I have been frustrated, disappointed at times in my life. But never has anything work-related hit me hard like this. SHIIIIT i said to myself. i seriously thought that I had protein crystals long ago, with the conditions not seemed to produce any calcium salts. today when sarathy helped me put the crystals on the beam, it diffracted, not as a protein, but salt. I have been working on this very condition for months--- pH gradients, macroseeding, you name it. What made it seem more promising is the crystals don't appear until 2 weeks later, and they have been growing steadily which lured me into more excitement. I even thought I was gonna solve this structure by the end of the year. Guess what?!........ NOTTT.
So the mother nature has played a trick with me. A trick that she had played with many scientists, lead up path to the garden where there is a tiger awaits. To me, i rather be eaten by a tiger than fuckin finding about this crystal shit after months. I shall see this taught me a lesson. you aint getting anything easy, if you do, something is wrong. i loved sarathy's attitude towards this, all i have to do is come in tomorrow and have a fresh start. Start with more screenings! Really, u dont deserve a structure yet. think about it, I never worked as hard as tsun did on crystallization.
well that is life, pain or joyce, I will have to take it on like a man and make it better.