Just added a couple things on my 2012 resume. it is funny that i had quite a few items almost forgotten. man, i've done a lot in these years! WOW. it is really a serendipitous experience every time i edit my resume. this time, its for the application of being a lecturer for the MCat students this summer. I really want this job, and hopefully this is not too late for me to apply. just thought maybe with accumulating teaching experience i could be free-lance lecturer or something of the same sort in the future. that would be really nice as that would almost set me as a typical young man i've been admiring in murakamis novels, except i've already got a stable relationship on top of it. this feeling of being "on the road" really sparks my excitement at times!
lets do it, and you will get it! if not, fuck it, try again next year! anyways its a good feeling, like its signaling that finally my knowledge is paying off. well get wild out there to experience, dont worry about the outcome for now! lets start the journey and uncover more of this mesh-like life!
On another note, i would really love to add one more iteam to my publication list. that is a paper with my name as the first author. well, it might sound a bit ego-centric, however, as once steve jobs said " when you were young, you care about those stuff". im just a young man who wants to get as much as I deserve, i guess there is nothing wrong in terms of integrity in this regard!